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Information in English

Swedish for immigrants (SFI) is language teaching that aims to give adult immigrants basic knowledge of the Swedish language. It is for those of you who have a mother tongue other than Swedish.

Swedish for immigrants – SFI

There are courses at different levels and the group you participate in is determined by your educational background and through testing.

  • Study route 1, Course A–B; if you have no or a short school education from your home country.
  • Study route 2, Course B–C; if you have a primary school education.
  • Study route 3, Course C–D; if you have a long school education, can study at a fast tempo and have the ability to work independently.

Each study route consists of two courses. You can read more about the different study routes and courses on the website for The Swedish National Agency for Education. Which course you will begin with will be determined together with your teacher. Your goals, past experience and educational background will determine which course you should take.

Who can study?

Anyone registered in the municipality of Ale and lacking basic knowledge of the Swedish language may study SFI in adult education from the year one turns 16 years of age.

What does it cost?

The education is free. You will not receive any financial aid when you study, but if you are a newly registered refugee you can study and receive payment in the form of an introduction benefit. If you receive financial support from, for example, the local job centre or unemployment insurance, contact your administrator/case worker before beginning your studies.


You can receive grades after the courses A, B, C and D. Those who do not achieve the grade E will receive a certificate stating what you know in relation to the course goals.


You apply to SFI by completing the SFI-application SFI-anmälan (svenska) Pdf, 1 MB. and sending it to:

Komvux Ale
Ale Kommun
449 80 Alafors

You can also turn it in to our office at: Ledetvägen 4, Alafors

Foreign grades/marks

If you have an upper secondary or higher education from another country you can turn to “Universitets- och högskolerådet UHR)“ for an evaluation of your studies to receive a recognition of foreign qualifications.


You have the opportunity to discuss your future studies and plan your future career with our guidance counselor. You can also receive help to apply to other courses in adult education while studying SFI.



Telefon kontaktcenter 0303-70 30 00


Telefon 0303-70 33 58

Vi som jobbar här

Rektor Niklas Almqvist

E-post niklas.almqvist@ale.se

Koordinator Lärcentrum

Thérèse Olsson

E-post therese.olsson@ale.se


Gunilla Johansson

E-post gunilla.johansson@ale.se

Studie- och yrkesvägledare

Dan Andersson

E-post dan.andersson@ale.se

Per-Erik Lindenau

E-post per-erik.lindenau@ale.se



Ale kommun


449 80 Alafors

Hitta hit

Vi finns i Himlaskolan, Ledetvägen 4 i Alafors. Parkering finns framför ingången.

Uppdaterades: 14 maj 2024
Informationsägare: Utbildningsförvaltningen